Friday Freestyle - 002
Being as well as we can be (until the age to come), giving you permission to take a step back, and meditating on Christ in the womb.
I'm happy and grateful that our family is finally well, with no more flu or other sickness in the house. It was a rough several weeks. Truth be told, it's been a rough several months with respiratory illness coming and going, but I believe we've collectively turned a corner here at the Rogers neighborhood.
Sickness and death bother us, not just because of lost time or lost loved ones, but because they are wrong. We were not made to experience illness and grief. They are contrary to our original nature, the way we were made to live, the way Adam and Eve lived in the garden with Elohim. In our deepest places within us, we know this to be true, and we long for our lives to be other than what they are, to be free from sickness and loss and death, free from being separated from those we love. We yearn to experience a way of living that appears to not exist in this life.
Like C.S. Lewis said in Mere Christianity...1
If I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world.
So, if you find your heart aching in response to loss you've experienced–something especially common during this time of the year–know that you are not alone in this. We know from the gospel that Christ himself experienced this same kind of pain upon the death of his cousin, St. John the Baptist.
When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place.
The word “withdraw” often carries a negative connotation in our culture, but sometimes it is the healthiest and most beneficial thing for us to do. Just like in that gospel story, however, you can expect that the needs and demands of other people will catch up with you soon enough. (In Jesus's case, the feeding of the 5,000 happened right after this.) So, take my (metaphorical) advice, the same–and only–advice I give to new parents: sleep while the baby sleeps.

Recommended reading…
You may have missed…
Everything Made New
I’m reading, watching, listening to…
Redeemer in the Womb: Jesus Living in Mary, by John Saward - A theological and thoroughly biblical exploration of the first nine months of the life of Jesus–those spent in the womb of Mother Mary. It’s very well written, and I find the entire book quite fascinating!
Waiting on the Word: A Poem a Day for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, by Malcom Guite - I was wholly unprepared for the ambush of beauty and deep grace that has been this book. Even after only a few days, bits of me have come undone. It is an enjoyable disheveling.
Red Knife: Cork O'Connor Mystery Series, Book 8, by William Kent Krueger
Lots of cheesy Christmas movies.
Fr. Mike Schmitz and Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT Explain Healing in the Gaze of Jesus - Friends, this is a beautiful conversation, between two people who deeply love Jesus and are committed–body, soul, and spirit–to Him and His kingdom work.
The Untold Story of Mary Poppins - Our family enjoyed this documentary so much! We’re huge fans of the movie, and of Julie Andrews (how can you not be?), so it was a lot of fun to learn some new things about the film, the cast, and the story of how the movie almost didn't happen.
Our family is looking forward to some wonderful holiday time together, as well as our celebration of my daughter's 20th birthday, and then a three day family retreat just before the new year. Last year’s retreat together was very special, full of quiet reflection and prayer, sharing from the heart, reading for leisure, board games, good food, and the wonderful bookshop we love visiting every time we’re in Waynesville.
How is your Advent going? What are your upcoming holiday plans? I'd love to hear about all of it in the comments.
I've got more great content on the way next week, and the following week I will be sharing and talking about my favorite photos I've taken from 2024. It should be a dazzling time, so stay tuned!
Until then, the Lord be with you!
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