Making Room
An early morning conversation with the Father about preparing for the Advent of our Lord.
I’m excited and grateful to welcome my wife, Cara, as she contributes her first post to Letters from Candies Creek. Please make her welcome! –Jason
Joy to the world, the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And heaven and nature sing.
–”Joy to the World,” by Isaac Watts
Every year, during the four weeks before Christmas, my family celebrates Advent. Only a few years ago, I had no idea what Advent was. I grew up in an evangelical denomination, which relegated Advent to liturgical churches. However, as I’ve come to understand what Advent is and have participated in it with my family the past five years, I’ve come to love the rich heritage and meaning behind this holy time of the year.
The word advent means “to come.” Isn’t that a beautiful thought? This is a season of preparation, not only for the celebration of our Savior who came to earth as a baby, but a season of preparation as we look forward to our Savior coming back to earth again to reign in power and glory!
The four themes of Advent are Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Each week, a new candle is lit, representing one of the four themes, with scripture passages that emphasize those themes, reminding our hearts of this season of the coming of Christ.
All of this introduction brings me to this morning, the first Sunday of Advent. I woke up this morning, earlier than everyone else (because my body operates on “teacher time,” even when I’m not working). I sat by myself, under my heated blanket in the living room. I took out my prayer journal and began to tell the Lord that I really didn’t feel ready for the Christmas season. And, this being the first day of Advent, I asked Him a question.
“What do you want me to do during Advent to prepare for Your coming?” I immediately heard two words whispered in my heart.
Make room.
When I asked for clarification from the Lord, I sensed Him saying,
Make room for Me in your words. Praise Me. Thank Me. When you praise Me, I begin to take center stage in your life, and although your problems don’t disappear, they can’t occupy the majority of your heart and thoughts anymore. That’s why I want you to praise and magnify me–what you focus on and the words you speak shape who you become.
Make room for Me in your thoughts. Really apply Philippians 4:6-9. Fix your thoughts on things that are true and honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. When you focus your mind and heart on these things, the byproduct is naturally hope and peace. You don’t have to fake it or conjure it up. You often need Me to shift your mindset, and this is My prescription for that very thing.
Make room for Me in your time. Spend time with Me and invite my presence to be with you–I am actually always with you, but sometimes you aren’t aware of that. I rejoice when my kids want to spend time with me, just like you do when your child wants to spend time with you.
Make room for Me in your relationships. Allow Me the space in your life to transform the way you see people. Give Me room to change your perspective on that person that rubs you the wrong way or the relationship you think is unsalvageable. Make room by trusting me with these people and allowing me to work as I see fit and not how you think it should go. Nothing is hopeless with me. No person, no relationship. Nothing.
These are just a few whisperings I heard in the quiet of this morning. My question for you in this Christmas season is this:
In what ways does your Heavenly Father want you to make room in your life for Him; what do you hear Him speaking to your heart?
He is a good Father, and wants to speak to us and take care of our hearts during this season and in every season of our lives.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. I hope in some small way, this has been encouraging to you. I was both encouraged and challenged this morning, and my prayer is, for myself and for you,
Jesus, let our hearts make room for Your Presence this season. Don’t let our lives mimic the inn that had no room for you when it came time for you to enter earth. Show us how to make space for your voice, your presence, and your perspective.
Joy to the World, the Lord is come!