Breath Above Water
A Lectio Divina meditation focused on intentional breathing and the creation story.
Find a place to relax for a few minutes, sitting comfortably in a quiet room or some other setting with minimal distraction.
Begin by taking several long, deep breaths, as deep as you are comfortably able to take.
Breathe in deeply through your nose…
Exhale slowly through your mouth…
Breathe in deeply…
Exhale slowly…
Breathe in deeply…
Exhale slowly…
Continue breathing in this way for a few moments.
Now, imagine you are sitting at a table. On the table in front of you is a large, stone bowl full of cool, clean water.
The room is silent and still. There is no movement around you. You are simply sitting there, watching the surface of the water as it shows you an oblique reflection of your surroundings.
Become aware that, while sitting there, you are also breathing. Breathe in and out, just like you have every day of your life.
Pay attention to your breath. Observe it, without making any judgments about yourself or the manner in which the air is moving in and out of you.
Even if breathing is difficult or painful, simply observe that, even still, you are breathing. You are alive, in this moment. If pain or discomfort comes, acknowledge that it is there, and return your attention to the simple and natural movement of your breath.
Begin to allow your breathing to return to its natural rhythm. No need to breathe deeply any longer, unless you want to. Just keep inhaling and exhaling normally.
Now, shift your attention to where the air you breathe is going as it enters your body. Relax your shoulders and chest and allow your breath to follow its natural course. Notice as it moves past your chest, further down, into your abdomen. Feel your stomach rising and falling as you continue to breathe. Stay in this place for a few moments.
Realize that, while you are breathing this way, you are still sitting at the table. The bowl of water is there, motionless. Your breath is the only moving thing in the room. All else is stillness.
The next time you exhale, do so through your mouth, this time over the surface of the water. Inhale all the way down into your abdomen, and as you exhale, blow gently through your pursed lips, as if you were blowing a feather out of your own hand.
Watch in your imagination as your breath blows across the water’s surface. Observe the water changing its shape as it ripples in circles outward from the place where your breath and the water meet.
Notice your breath as it moves in and down, expanding your abdomen.
Notice your breath as it moves up and out, blowing across the surface of the water.
While you remain aware of your breathing, hear and imagine these words from the creation story in Genesis. Hear the words and observe it happening, just like you’re doing with your own breath.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Continue to breathe. Notice how the air simply moves in and out of you, whether you are trying or not. It simply occurs. Even if you are in pain or worried, your breath is still moving in and down, moving up and out. This happens over and over, and it will continue to happen your entire life.
This is the way you were born, the way you were made to live. You are breathing, and breath is life. Simply by breathing in and out, you are alive.
The Hebrew word for “Spirit” in our scripture passage is the same word used to mean “Wind” and “Breath.” This word is Ruach (roo’-akh). Begin to realize, as you naturally inhale and exhale, that each breath entering and leaving your body is Ruach. Each breath is wind and spirit.
Continue to breathe naturally.
Notice again the bowl of water on the table in front of you. Notice your breath as it moves in and down into your abdomen. Notice your breath as it moves up and out across the surface of the water.
As you remain mindful that you are breathing in and out, see again the image of God at the beginning of all things.
And the Breath of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Continue to visualize the Spirit of God, the breath of God, hovering over the face of the waters, as you continue to breathe. Each time you inhale, and each time you exhale, remember you are breathing in and breathing out the breath of God, the Spirit of God.
Now, imagine your breath blowing across the face of the primordial waters, at the beginning of creation, just as you did when you imagined it blowing across the surface of the water in the bowl.
You don’t have to try to do anything special to exhale in this way. You are already doing it. All you need do is pay attention to your breath. Observe it, without making any judgments, and realize you are inhaling and exhaling the breath of God.
Now, take a few moments to ensure your breath returns to its natural rhythm. Simply breathe in and out, just like you have every day of your life.
Throughout the rest of your day, find moments to focus on your breath, and remember that it is Ruach.